Michelle Moglia Accounting is a comprehensive accounting service located in Westhampton NY. We specialize in small business accounting, bookkeeping and tax preparation as well as individual tax preparation. We also offer Enrolled Agent Tax Debt Representation Services.
It is the responsibility of every business, big or small, to keep an accurate and up to date set of books. For small businesses this is a task that usually does not get enough attention. Inadequate bookkeeping can lead to unnecessary mistakes that can lead to tax liabilities and penalties and cash flow problems.
We can customize an accounting / bookkeeping program that will help you to Reduce Your Taxes, Manage Your Cash Flow, and Increase Your Profits.
Business Services
Corporate & Individual Tax Returns
Industry Specific Tax Filings
Sales Tax Reporting
W-2s And Year End Processing
Quickbooks Setup & Training
Remote / Virtual Bookkeeping
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
IRS Tax Representation
Payroll Tax Problems
Tax Preparation
Individual Tax Returns Prepared
Self Employment Income
Stocks / Bonds Investment Income
Rental Income
Crypto Currency
Installment Agreements
Virtual & Contact-less Service
Late Tax Return Filing
Non-Filed Tax Returns
Tax Representation
Offers In Compromise
Fresh Start Initiative
IRS Levies
Innocent Spouse Relief
IRS Seizures
IRS Payment Plans
Tax Settlement & Negoation